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Evergreen Landcare, a mid-sized landscaping company, faced a growing challenge as their in-house bookkeeping struggled to keep pace with the expanding complexity and volume of transactions. 

The Challenge:

Recognising the need for a more efficient and accurate back office, Evergreen sought to overhaul their bookkeeping function. However the prospect of outsourcing was very daunting. The management team worried about two things: 1. The business disruption of changing their entire system and 2. Entrusting a crucial function to an external third-party entity.

The Solution:

In response to Evergreen’s challenges and concerns ClockworX spearheaded the transformation, leveraging their experienced team and proven approach.

Initiating the transformation by comprehensively reviewing Evergreen’s existing bookkeeping processes and system, they created a customised transition plan. This plan encompassed data migration, software setup, team training, and ongoing support. Evergreen had already decided to move their Job Management software across to a new platform. ClockworX were therefore also involved in ensuring the bookkeeping was integrated efficiently and accurately into this new system. The goal was to ensure a smooth transition without any downtime or loss of data.

The Result:

The transition to ClockworX’s outsourced bookkeeping solution was executed flawlessly, meeting the schedule with zero downtime or data loss. Evergreen reported a substantial reduction in bookkeeping errors, showcasing increased efficiency in their financial processes.

With the burden of bookkeeping lifted, Evergreen’s management team gained more time to focus on core business operations, confident in the knowledge that their financial matters were in capable hands. Plus the transition led to improved financial reporting, proving to be crucial for strategic decision-making within Evergreen Landcare.

The success of this collaboration reflects not only the seamless integration of ClockworX’s solution but also the positive impact on Evergreen’s overall operational efficiency and strategic outlook.

What Evergreen Have To Say:

“Outsourcing our entire bookkeeping function was a major decision, but ClockworX made it easy. Their expertise, detailed planning, and seamless execution exceeded our expectations. We now have a modern, efficient bookkeeping system that supports our business growth.” – Ben Cunningham CEO, Evergreen

Interested in experiencing the same seamless transition and bookkeeping efficiency as Evergreen Landcare?

Contact ClockworX today to see how we can revolutionise your bookkeeping processes.